Personal Training

Avoid common aches and pains, connect with your deep core, and feel your best with movement tailored to your body as you grow through pregnancy, return to exercise postpartum, and have the strong motherhood you've always wanted.

Personal training is open to anyone who is:

  • Trying to Conceive
  • Pregnant
  • Postpartum (0-12 months)
  • Motherhood (12+ months postpartum)

Apply for personal training below!


Personal Training Includes:

  • Customized Workouts: Up to 5 personalized workouts/week created based on your personal goals and the stage of motherhood you are in. Workouts delivered via TrueCoach app with video demonstration and detailed instruction for each exercise.
  • Initial 75 Minute Assessment where we: assess your movement patterns to discover ways we can eliminate pain and injuries, set goals that align your personal goals with the changes your body is experiencing, and discuss your health history in depth to get a full picture of your history and set you up for success for the long run. Completed via Zoom.
  • On-Going Support: One 30 minute monthly coaching call and check-in via Zoom
  • Accountability + Education: Unlimited access to me Monday-Friday via the TrueCoach app messenger. We use this to check-in with you, answer questions, and send encouragement!



There is a 12 week minimum commitment with each package.

  • 3 workouts/week - $300 billed every 4 weeks
  • 5 workouts/week - $400 billed every 4 weeks
Apply for Personal Training

"Lexy has completely transformed the way I think about exercise. I had initially started training with her to look and feel amazing on my wedding day and it turned into so much more than that. My initial goal of getting "toned" for my wedding has shifted to wanting what is best for my body and finding joy in that movement. I honestly don't think about the scale anymore, but rather how far I have come and how capable my body is. "

"Lexy was a LIFESAVER in my postpartum journey. Her patience and deep understanding of, not only my ever-changing body, but motherhood in general was so refreshing. Her training sessions were the highlight of my week, and I was so grateful for her accountability. The tailored sweat sessions designed for a mother's lifestyle allowed me the flexibility and grace I needed to feel GOOD again. My goal was to gain my physical strength back, but after working with Lexy I also gained my mental strength back too!